I heartily welcome you to the Department of Industrial Chemistry, Ekiti State University, Nigeria. The Department came to existence about twenty years out of the need to provide the missing link between Chemistry as a course of study and its industrial applications. It has since trained and graduated over two thousand industrial Chemists in the areas of industrial chemistry. As the name implies, Industrial Chemistry deals with both the physical and chemical transformation of raw materials into more beneficial products. As demanded by the scope of this course, we strive to equip our students with a firm understanding of foundational chemistry, mathematics and physics. This training prepares graduates that are well-grounded in the knowledge of chemistry, chemical processing as well as industrial economy.
The Department offers degrees leading to the award of B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D in Industrial Chemistry. Lecturers in the Department, like their counterparts in the Department of Chemistry, take Chemistry foundational courses across science-based faculties in the University, besides their core Industrial Chemistry courses.
The Departmental Office is located in the old Faculty of Science Building on the right-wing (ground floor). At the same time, our undergraduate and postgraduate lecture rooms are located within the Faculty of Science. Besides co-sharing numerous old undergraduate and postgraduate laboratories with the Department of Chemistry, her new central laboratory is situated on the right-wing (ground floor) of the new Faculty of Science Building. And efforts are on to establish well-equipped glass blowing workshops for the Department.
The teaching curricula are targeted towards equipping our undergraduate and postgraduate students with skills that will fit into any industrial and research environments after graduation. Graduates of this programme, since its inception, have received global acceptance in various job opportunities in both industrial and academic spheres.
The Department takes pride in her culture of efficiency and academic excellence. These qualities have led to the emergence of distinguished scientists amongst the graduates of the Department. The Department is set to take the lead in cutting-edge researches and provision of industrial solutions for our local and national challenges.