Dean's Profile
As at 2024, Professor Faweya has about 22 years post qualification working experience as lecturer, researcher, administrator and consultant in tertiary institutions (both private and public) within and outside Nigeria. He holds a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in Physics from the University of Ado-Ekiti (now Ekiti State University), Ado-Ekiti and M.Sc and Ph.D degrees from prestigious University of Ibadan.
Professor Faweya was employed as a Graduate Assistant in 2002 at Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti. He became Professor of Physics in 2019. He has served as Sub-Dean/ Head of Department of Physics in Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti (EKSU).
His research interests have been in four major areas of Physics: a. Radiation Oncology, b. Environmental Physics, c. Nuclear Physics, d. Radiation and Health Physics where he recorded some novel research contributions to Science, such as the occurrence of radionuclides in various matrices. He also reported on the accumulation of radionuclides in edible mushroom. And recently, he reported the risk of exposing human being to radon in water and soil from different formations.
He has over fifty one (51) journals articles and technical papers published in reputable peer review national and international journals, and co-authored three (3) academic textbooks and two(2) chapters in the university based books. He had taught much basic Physics, Applied Physics and other related courses over the years and supervised several projects both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has attended and presented papers at local and international conferences/workshops. He has also served as editor to a couple of international journals, academic assessor/reviewer to many universities. He belongs to five Professional Associations at different times. Prof. Faweya had served and still serving as a member of National Universities Commission; on the Accreditation Exercise of University Academic programmes.
Professor Faweya is married with children to Mrs. Faweya Iyadunni Beatrice a staff in the Bursary Department of Ekiti State University.
Professor E. B. Faweya
Dean, Faculty of Science